Saturday, 1 December 2012

Welcome to Miami!

Welcome to the city where the heat is on
All night on the beach till the break of dawn
Welcome to Miami. Bienvenido a Miami!

That song was running through my head for days when we stayed at Miami Beach. This place is so different from the rest of the US. It's hot, tropical, sunny, sporty and just everyone seems to enjoy themselves here in the south of Florida. People are in amazing shape, working out on the beach or roller skating down Ocean Drive. Cuban music is all over town, on fancy bar fronts and pumping out of  bright cabriolet cars. Terraces are always full whether it's weekend or a Tuesday morning and I've seen some of the most beautiful cocktails being served to some of the most glamourous people. I use the word 'seen' instead of 'tasted' because those Mexican Bulldogs (cocktails in a fish bowl glass with an open Corona beer upside down in it) start at 40 dollar a glass. Too bad, still on budget! Spanish is widely spoken throughout the city and even when people address you in English, it's with a very thick Spanish accent which makes everything all the more sexy! I all want you to be very jealous of picture 13 until 16. Because this is the view from the place we stayed at Miami Beach. It's not a fancy hotel but the absolutely amazing flat of an absolutely amazing couple that hosted us through Couchsurfing. Yes, sometimes you meet people that are not only nice, intelligent and modest but also live in a very cool place. That room was our room (with bathroom!) and waking up with the Atlantic Ocean under your window is a pretty spectacular start of your day! 
(In case you wonder what's up with the skate-excuse me, longboard: it's Benoit's newest toy that had to tested on Ocean Drive)

1 comment:

  1. Haha, dankzij uwen blog weet ik nu eindeijk wat Will Smith zingt: 'bienvenido a Miami' :-D Ik maakte er altijd iets anders van...
    Thanks for the halfnaked guy! Maar denk inderdaad dat z'n lichaam beter is dan z'n hoofd ;-)
