Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Bye Bye East Coast

Here are some last pictures of our camping trip along the East Coast of Australia. Our initial plan was to drive from Brisbane up to tropical Cairns in the north and then fly or drive back to Sydney. But time and money (have I already mentioned how extremely EXPENSIVE Australia is??) forced us to take it slower and we went as far north as the sleepy towns of Agnes Water and 1770. 

We would have loved to see the Great Barrier Reef but traveling is all about making choices and we comforted ourselves with the idea that 1) we had already seen great coral reefs in the Philippines and 2) we would come back one day as grey nomads on an extremely decadent sailing ship.

So for now, we decided to enjoy the beauty of the coast. We found a lovely but very basic (check out our shower) camp site in Agnes Water and stayed there for 3 nights. Besides going to the beach, reading (me), playing video games (Benoit) and having barbecues, we didn't do much.

One of the best things in Australia, is the fact that there are public barbecues almost everywhere. In the town of 1770 (yes, that's what it's called) with about 100 inhabitants, we counted no less than 8 barbecues, all with beach view! They're all working on gas so no need to bring wood or charcoal and someone must be paid to look after them because they're always spotless.
Could this be the same in New Zealand, please?

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